Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cronin Parents' Search for Home: Part III - The Houses

On Day 1, Shamus and Karen found one potential home.  They named it the Pool-Balconies-Order'sUpKitchen House

There is a covered pool 1.5 meters deep to the left of the house behind the garage.  You can see in the above photo the many balconies, perfect for enjoying some fresh air.

Below, you can see the Order's Up window.  This view is from inside the kitchen looking into the dining area.  The door to the right closes off the kitchen.  The door you can see through the Order's Up window is the front door.

The only downside to the house was that there was only 1 full bath and a guest bathroom downstairs.

Day 2 was much busier.  They visited homes on every side of Munich, and not in order.  First to the west, then to the east, then to the north, down to the south and back to the east.
The first house was instantly eliminated because of the fridge.  Yes, the entire fridge was in one small cabinet.

The next house was another potential home: The Extra-Large Slightly Remote Home

This one had 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.  "I don't know that I want to have to manage that much house!" said Karen.  "More than one full bath brings this to the top of the list for me!" said Shamus.  Living in this home would require both Karen and Shamus to have cars, which wasn't the ideal plan.

The next house, named Karen's Favorite, seemed too good to be within the price range.

The back half of this duplex with the green garage is the home.  The front half is inhabited by a midwife and her husband.

Above you can see a complete kitchen, which was a big bonus!  Some of the houses have empty rooms with kitchen appliance outlets, requiring the renter to purchase cabinets, a refrigerator, stove and oven, cabinets, and drawers.  This home was recently updated with a new kitchen and new floors.  You can also see how bright the kitchen is!  Very uncharacteristically, this kitchen has no door, another bonus for Shamus and Karen.

"The garden is full of familiar plants, as well as a compost bin and a space for growing vegetables!  This feels like home." said Karen.

Another little bonus is what Karen is calling The Pointy Hobbit Door.  Located on the top floor, you can see the slant of the roof guides the shape of this door, which leads to a full bath.  There also happens to be a Pointy Hobbit Window on the opposite wall.

With 5 bedrooms and 2 full baths and a guest bathroom, this home was a perfect fit.  Not only was the building wonderful, but the location is also ideal. "The library is 2 blocks away, as well as the meat market, the pharmacy and a bakery.  There is an S-Bahn stop 1 block in the opposite direction." said Karen.  There are several kindergartens in Feldkirchen as well as 4 playgrounds.

At the end of the day, they asked their relocation agent to call the owner to apply for Karen's Favorite house.  In Germany, you must be approved by the owner, and in some cases, chosen over other applicants.  That night, Shamus and Karen prayed for contentment no matter what the answer was and that they would be chosen as the renters of this sweet house.  After receiving the financial information, the owners chose the Cronins!  "What a fun answer to our prayers!" said Karen.  Now that they had found the house, it was time to discover their new little town of Feldkirchen.

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